An Experience of Sustainability between the Julian Alps and Miramare

Attention text traslated in english with AI CHATGPT

On Monday, July 15, 2024, the fifth edition of the SummerCamp “Paths of Sustainability” began, organized by the UNESCO MaB Biosphere Reserves of the Julian Alps and Miramare.

This event involves 20 young people aged 15 to 18, who will spend a week engaging in various activities, including excursions and field trips, as well as meetings with experts and local producers.

The activities start in the Julian Alps and Prealps, then move to the Trieste Karst.

Participants have the opportunity to explore the territory, meet those who manage it, and enjoy a series of recreational and cultural activities.

The program also includes moments of reflection on the relationship between humans and nature, within the UNESCO-designated areas under the MaB – Man and Biosphere program.

The goal of the SummerCamp is to raise awareness among young people on crucial issues such as sustainable development, biodiversity conservation, and climate change.

The experience is characterized by a balance of sports activities, nature contact, experiential workshops, and leisure moments, all set in a context that embraces both the sea and the mountains.

Every day, with the help of guides and the support of a young videomaker, short videos (reels) are created and posted on the organizers’ social media channels.

Participants are actively involved in the creation of these videos, taking on various roles such as directors, actors, voice-over artists, or scriptwriters.

The initiative, sponsored by the Italian National Commission for UNESCO, represents a significant educational and formative experience.

It also offers young people the chance to plan a presentation of their experience for the International Day of Biosphere Reserves, scheduled for November 3.

The SummerCamp “Paths of Sustainability” thus confirms itself as an important event to bring young people closer to nature and promote greater environmental awareness.