Impressionanti video su you tube sulle esplorazioni che ebbero luogo nel 2004 e 2007 alla Grotta Velebita, in Croazia.

Cave explorers from Speleological section Velebit with a few other Croatian clubs discovered in 2004. a pit inside a mountain Velebit in central Croatia believed to have the world’s deepest subterranean free-fall vertical drop, at nearly 513 m. At the foot of the Velebita cave are small ponds and streams, including one of the largest known colonies of subterranean leeches. It is located in the Rozanski kukovi area of the National park North Velebit in the rocky Velebit mountain range in central Croatia.

Name: Cave system Velebita

Location: Rožanski Kukovi Crikvena, National park North Velebit, Croatia

Entrance at altitude: 1,557 m

Depth: -1026 m

Horizontal length: 1206 m
Length: 3176 m

The largest shaft: 513 m

Cave discovered by: Speleologists from the Speleological section of the University Mountaineering Association “Velebit” (SOV) on 31 July 2003.

Period of exploration: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007., 2008.
Explorers: SO Velebit, SO Dubovac, SO Mosor, HBSD, SO Željezničar, SK Samobor , PK Split, KS HPS

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