We are looking for talks about your projects, new discoveries or anything related to cave exploration the 2016 NSS Convention in Ely, Nevada.
This year is the 75th Anniversary of the NSS and that event will be celebrated in Ely, Nevada during July 16-23, 2016.
It is also a great opportunity to share with fellow cavers your cave discoveries, exploration stories and mapping exploits at the US Exploration Session. This is one of the Convention’s most popular and well-attended venues.

You don’t need to have made record-breaking discoveries to present – all exploration is good and can be effectively displayed with photos (salon-quality not necessary), any kind of maps, and some good stories.
Presentations are relatively painless – 15-20 minutes in length is typical though we can provide some 30-minute slots. Single or multiple presenters are welcome. Presentation format is open – powerpoint or other computer media, slides if that’s all you got!, or just stand up and tell some good exploration stories!

For the program, please send an abstract (short summary of what your talk is about -250 words max) to Pat Kambesis, US Exploration Session Coordinator at pat.kambesis@wku.edu. Deadline is May 30, 2016.
Feel free to forward this message to other cavers!

See you in Ely, Nevada!

Pat Kambesis
US Exploration Session Coordinator

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