Comunication from George Veni
President, International Union of Speleology

As we approach the last month of 2021, remember that because of COVID the International Year of Caves and Karst has been extended through 2022. So far we have 257 partner organizations that organized 360 events. This has been great and following the success of our meeting with UNESCO in September we hope to keep adding partners and organize even more events for next year.

At first, I described 2021 as the “virtual” International and that 2022 would be the “in-person” International Year.
I was mistaken. Strangely, the COVID pandemic has increased the success of the International Year dramatically. Lectures and activities that would have been held in person with only a few people were done on-line with attendees from around the world. They were then posted on the International Year website where hundreds to thousands more people have watched. As we plan for 2022, we need to make it the “hybrid” International Year. Organize events in person where it is safe to do so but make plans to share those events on-line either live or recorded. This will make your event and your contribution to the International Year much more valuable.

Because we are approaching the end-of-year holidays, I expect there will be fewer activities.
However, this makes it a great time to begin planning your International Year events for next year. At this time one year ago, many of you were figuring out how to plan your events as virtual activities. This time I ask you to figure out how to make them hybrid. This benefits the International Year, but also you and your group.

If you cannot organize an in-person, virtual, or hybrid meeting, or not a large meeting, that is OK. Do whatever you can. Everything helps. Even if you teach just one person about caves and karst, you might inspire that person to become an important cave explorer, scientist, or manager. Every person you reach is important!

As much as possible, please include the media in your events and send links to those reports for the Event Results page of the International Year website:

Thank you for your continued support of the International Year of Caves and Karst. Together, have made the first year a success and can do even more next year!

For more information about the International Year, visit the website (
lso like us at the UIS Facebook page (, UIS Twitter account (, and/or the UIS Instagram page (

George Veni
President, International Union of Speleology

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