Irlanda – Speleological Union of Ireland and Irish Cave Rescue Organisation

Il 33° simposio annuale SUICRO si svolgerà nel fine settimana dal 27 al 30 Ottobre, al Lough Melvin Holiday Centre in Garrison, nella Contea di Fermanagh.

Ci sarà una sessione di musica al Melvin Bar. Attività giornaliere il sabato e la domenica, arrampicata ed uscite in grotta e miniere.

Saturday will see us in one of the pubs with our own DJ. Evening talks are scheduled after dinner and shall include a wide range of topics about caving and rescuing. So far we have a prolific kayaker doing a piece about canoeing under and through islands, Cumbria Mines Rescue are over to talk about abandoned mines, talks about Irish cave exploration and overseas expeditions, and cave diving. We’re hoping to nab a professor who promised a talk entitled “Karst limestone of Father Ted country”.

Sunday is the night of the big raffle, in aid of Irish Cave Rescue. Usually a sellout event this year we hope to have loads tickets. Some really neat kit is donated to this event, that is applicable to anyone interested in outdoors’y activities. If you’re generous enough buying tickets you’re almost guaranteed a prize more than or worthy to your ticket cost.

Also there’s the commemorative SUICRO t-shirt to procure. The sales of the t-shirt’s help offset event costs.

For more information click here

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