Dalla Slovacchia ci scrive l’amico Miroslav Jurecka per segnalarci un sito di informazione speleologica di una regione Slovacca http://www.speleork.sk , e scrive:

You can find there a
lot of interesting information not only about us, but also about the other speleogroups operating in Slovak Republic.

Only few countries – owing to its small area – have so much natural beauties and interestings as Slovakia does. Only some people know, that in Slovakia is more than 4500 caves lying on the karst area with more than 2700 km2.

Slovak Republic is lying in the heart of the Europe. Slovakia arised in the year of 1993 after splitting former Czechoslovakia to Slovak Republic and Czech Republic. The following year, in may, Slovakia will become a member of the European Union. The Capital city is Bratislava an it is situated only 60 km far from the Austrian Capital City Vienna. Our speleo-group is operating in the northern part of Slovakia.

The longest cave of Slovakia is The Demänová System of Caves with total length of 33 km. The second one is The Stratená Cave (21 km). The deepest cave in Slovakia is Starý hrad (The Old Castle) with depth of 425 m.

The name of our speleogroup is Oblastná speleologická skupina Ru?omberok (The regional speleogroup Ru?omberok). The group has been operating since 1964 karst areas of The Giant Fatra, The Low Tatras (north-western part), The Cho? Hills and Šíp Fatra.

Members of the group are attending to searching, surveying and protecting of karst phenomenons. OSS Ru?omberok is subject of law and is member of Slovak Speleological Society

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