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Caving in Italy Main Logo

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Versione italiana

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This site was born on April 1995, thanks to the help of many italian cavers. It aims to represent all the spectrum of italian caving activity, through web pages from the various contributors or through links to other web sites.
Several regional and local web sites, coordinated with the national one, were established. A list of e-mail addresses is maintained. It gathers the cavers involved in the development of this site and the connected ones. This list is of course open to all italian-speaking cavers with an e-mail address. An e-mail distribution list was established too.

If you are a foreign caver interested in caving in Italy, feel free to contact the National Organizations or the Cave Groups in the area you are interested to.
If you are planning an expedition, please contact the national heads of the Cave Rescue.

SSI (Società Speleologica Italiana) produced a quick introduction to caving in Italy (and cave rescue !) in:
english flagenglish, french flagfrançais, german flagdeutsch.

A lot more infos are available in this server. Unfortunately for our foreign guests, a large part of the infos is in italian. Sorry !

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Organizations Cave Rescue
Organizations Cave Rescue

Caving Documentation

Cave atlas The Library NEWS

Cave atlas

Laws and Rules

The Library:
Bibliographic Collections
Miscellanea and Jokes


Detailed Areas


Biospeleology Cave-Diving Canyoning


Artificial Caves

Scenic Caves

Folklore Artificial Caves Scenic Caves

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Speleo-WWW Sites in the World Speleo-WWW Sites in Italy
Speleo-WWW Sites in the World Speleo-WWW Sites in Italy
Cave survey software E-MAIL Addresses
Cave survey software E-MAIL Addresses

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Webmaster: Fabio Siccardi   <siccardif@genova.infn.it>
Last Update: December 26th, 1999

most of the cartoons: Tatiana Sidoti;
the cave atlas cartoon: Angelo Liotta;
permission to use the Alpine and Cave Rescue Corp logo kindly granted by Paolo Verico;
the small Italy map: Massimiliano Re.