Event name: Sicilia Bat Night
Event type: Bat Walks & Observation, Educational
Date: from 4th Oct 2014 to 5th Oct 2014
Location: Sicilia
Organiser: Associazione Speleologica Naturalistica “Le Taddarite”
The Speleological Naturalistic Association “Le Taddarite” is joining the project with the “Sicilia Bat Night” event. Despite its educational approach, the event will have a strong scientific rigour and will be organized into a theoretical phase and a practical one. Basics of bat ecology and conservation, with a special attention on cave bats, will be the object of the theory lessons. Insights about bioacoustic aspects will prepare our field activity which is developing both through cave excursions, in order to closely observe one of the most typical bat undergound habitats, and bat walking sessions for the detection of bat ultrasonic calls by means of a bat detector.
Contact name: Antonio Fulco
Contact e-mail: fulcoantonio@gmail.com

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