A Speleological Excursion Between Cave delle Macine and Pian dei Cupi

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The Gualdo Tadino Speleological Group is organizing a nighttime excursion titled “Off the Beaten Path: Routes to the Caves” on Saturday, July 27, 2024.

This event features a moderately difficult route that winds through the Cave delle Macine and Pian dei Cupi, offering participants the opportunity to explore some of the most fascinating caves in the area.

The meeting point is set for 8:45 PM at the parking lot of the Il Gala supermarket in Gualdo Tadino.

After positioning the cars for retrieval at the end of the event, the group will head towards Piazzale Santo Stefano (Serra Santa) to begin the journey.

The itinerary includes the Miners’ Path and a visit to the Cave delle Macine, located at an altitude of 1250 meters.

Subsequently, participants will explore the Angeli – Gaudenzi Galleries and proceed to the Pian dei Cupi Cave, at an altitude of 1080 meters. From here, the group will descend to Gualdo Tadino via the Via della Spina, reaching the headquarters of the Gualdo Tadino Speleological Group (former Shooting Tower in Via Rocchetta).

The route, which lasts about three hours, includes visits to the galleries and requires the use of mountain shoes, a headlamp, and a pair of work gloves.

The event and the route may be modified based on weather conditions and the judgment of the guides.

Each participant is responsible for themselves and any minors under their care.

At the end of the excursion, around midnight, a “midnight snack” is planned at the headquarters of the Gualdo Tadino Speleological Group.

The contribution for the snack is ten euros, to be paid on-site. Those wishing to participate can book by Friday, July 26, by contacting Peppe at 333 343 9751. At the end of the event, the cars will be retrieved.

Speleology in Umbria: A Journey Underground

Umbria, with its rich speleological heritage, offers numerous opportunities for enthusiasts of underground explorations.

The region is characterized by a variety of natural caves and artificial cavities, which testify to the long geological and anthropological history of the area.

One of the most fascinating examples is Grotta Bella, located in Avigliano Umbro.

This speleo-archaeological cavity has been the subject of extensive research in recent years, revealing new environments and prehistoric burial sites previously unknown.

Investigations conducted by the “Enzo dei Medici” Center and the Todi Speleological Group have allowed for the creation of a precise topography of the underground system and the discovery of artifacts of great historical and scientific value.

Urban speleology is another interesting aspect of the region.

In Narni, for example, training courses on urban speleology are organized by the Umbrian Federation of Speleological Groups.

These courses offer the opportunity to deepen the methodology of surveying artificial cavities and to explore hypogea of historical and archaeological interest.

The birth of speleology in Umbria dates back to the last 1800s when the first explorers ventured into the Monte Cucco Cave with rudimentary equipment.

Today, thanks to the commitment of numerous speleological groups, the region continues to reveal its hidden treasures, offering enthusiasts a unique experience of discovery and adventure.

For those wishing to approach this fascinating discipline, Umbria represents an ideal destination, rich in history, nature, and mysteries to explore.

: Urban Speleology in Umbria
: Discovering Grotta Bella