Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to invite you to the International Conference “Karst Without Boundaries” that will take place in June 2014 in Trebinje, Bosnia & Herzegovina.

The conference is organised in the framework of the on-going GEF DIKTAS project. The project is set up to improve understanding of transboundary groundwater resources of the Dinaric Karst region and to facilitate their equitable and sustainable utilisation, including the protection of unique karst groundwater dependent ecosystems.

The purpose of the conference is to enhance cooperation between international karst scientists, engineers and DIKTAS stakeholders, and to provide opportunity for exchange of experiences and ideas relevant for karst aquifers throughout the world. The conference aims to raise awareness on the vulnerability of karst aquifers and to discuss groundwater protection.

Whether you are a karst specialist or simply interested in the subject, you can contribute to the dialogue of how karst aquifers can be better understood, protected and sustainably managed.

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