In una grotta della Macedonia Greca è stata scoperta una nuova specie di pipistrelli. Si tratta di una scoperta a dir poco sensazionale, ma sono riuscito a trovarla solo in inglese:

Unique spieces of Bats and Spiders found to the cave of Maronia in Greek Macedonia

Since last summer, fifty scientists (speleologists, geologists, palaeontologists, architects, engineers, biologists) are working very hard to the cave of Maronia, North Greece, in order until the end of the year to produce their finally and complete proposal for the protection and valorization of the cave for tourism exploitation.

Project leader and leader of the scientists team (all of them are from the Aristotle University of the Greek Macedonia and the University of Crete) is prof. Pavlidis.

Every day, groups of scientists are studying this unique cave with special eqipments. Some spieces of Bats and spiders in this cave can be found only there and nowhere else in the world.

E poi anche in greco, se riuscite a capirci qualche cosa, perchè io leggo segni incomprensibili: More informations can be obtained (in Greek Language) from SPILAIO at

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