Tutti a Siviglia, in occasione dei Campionati Mondiali di Speleologia, soprattutto perchè parallelamente si svolgerà il primo (credo) Forum Europeo di Speleologia.

Dal 14 al 17 settembre 2006:

Federation Speleologique de l’Union Europeenne
Attn. Federations, Deleg., Vice-Deleg., Commissions FSUE
Cc. Bureau UIS, Balkan Speleo Union

It’s been a long time since our last email in February, nevertheless many things have been evolving inside the European Federation. We had a Bureau meeting in Belgium on the beginning of this month of July, and many issues were discussed, that are detailed at the end of this email (the report will be available soon on www.fsue.org – “Papers” page) . As you can see many projects are being under process, of course the EuroSpeleo Forum on next September, the creation of the EuropSpeleo Projects starting on next October, the European Congress Vercors 2008 which registration will open on November, and the EuroSpeleo Newsletter in December. This autumn will be quite active …

About our next meetings, The World Games of Sevilla – EuroSpeleo Forum 2006 from 14th to 17th of September will be the opportunity for all European cavers to meet there, enjoy the activities and debate about the Speleology in Europe during the public informal meeting that will be on the 16th of September at 12.00. All the updated program is available on the Fsue Agenda (www.fsue.org  and then click on « Events »), at the « Sevilla 2006 » line.
You can also download all the information about it at :

We encourage teams from all countries to participate and register at the Sevilla 2006 activities.

Of course we will take the opportunity of Sevilla 2006 to speak about the next European Congress « Vercors 2008 » (www.vercors2008.ffspeleo.fr ) and there will be also a « FSUE & Vercors 2008 » stand on next Italian Congress « Casola 2006 » (www.casola2006.it ) (roughly located between Bologna and
Florence) from 1st to 5th of November 2006. Also about next European Congress in 2008, the Organizing Committee (OC) had his 1st meeting in Lans-en-Vercors on early June and they want to include cavers from all European countries inside the organization of Vercors 2008. Many things can be made at distance, like translations, contact inside your federations, etc … So if you are interested to give your help, your can contact them at : contact.vercors2008@ffspeleo.fr  .

We have now enough information to edit next issue of EuroSpeleo Newsletter at the end of this year. If you still have something to add inside, please take contact with us asap (contact@eurospeleo.org ). Also we had an official meeting at the European Commission end of June, and in spite that Sport is not yet recognized inside the EU budget, we were informed about the opportunities to get EU subsidies for European projects, including at least 5 European countries. Interested federations and clubs can contact us for more details if they want to do a request for a project.

We keep in touch on these issues, and stay at your disposal for any request,
We wish you a “hot” summer in the cool European caves or elsewhere !

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