La Federazione speleologica europea (FSE) e la sua Commissione europea per la protezione dalle grotte (ECPC) sono lieti di annunciare il lancio del bando 2018 per l’EuroSpeleo Protection Label.
per la partecipazione, siete pregati di scaricare il modulo di adesione, da compilare e inviare entro il 30 Giugno 2018:
Lo scopo dell’EuroSpeleo Protection Label è sostenere la protezione attiva delle grotte nei gruppi speleologici, nelle federazioni, nelle associazioni nazionali, ecc. e condividere queste conoscenze in tutta Europa.
Per questo motivo molti speleologi e organizzazioni speleologiche stanno identificando soluzioni specifiche che possono poi essere condivise con l’intera comunità speleologica europea, al fine di adattare queste soluzioni di protezione delle grotte per l’applicazione in altri paesi europei.
La Federazione speleologica europea vorrebbe riconoscere progetti di qualità che possano aiutare a trovare soluzioni migliori per la protezione delle grotte nella comunità speleologica, assegnando loro l’ EuroSpeleo Protection Label. Questo premio dovrebbe anche comportare un sostegno finanziario per consentire il proseguimento dell’importante lavoro svolto dalle organizzazioni premiate, perché tutti abbiamo bisogno di preservare il patrimonio speleologico per le generazioni future.

Noi, speleologi che abbiamo in comune la passione per il mondo sotterraneo, dovremmo essere coloro che sono interessati a preservare e proteggere le grotte scoperte durante le esplorazioni.

Jean-Claude Thies
ECPC President
European Cave Protection Commission
Fédération Spéléologique Européenne asbl.
B.P. 3067
L-1030 Luxembourg

Versione Inglese:
The European Speleological Federation (FSE) and its European Cave Protection Commission (ECPC) is very pleased to announce the launching of the 2018 Call for the EuroSpeleo Protection Label. Please find enclosed the application form (deadline for applications 30 June 2018). You can also find the application form soon on the FSE website:

The aim of the EuroSpeleo Protection Label is to support active cave protection in the speleo clubs, committees, national commissions, etc, all over Europe and to share this knowledge throughout Europe.

For this reason many cavers and speleological structures are identifying specific solutions which can then be shared with the whole European speleological community, in order to adapt these cave protection solutions for application in other European countries.

The FSE / ECPC would like to recognize quality projects which can help to find better solutions for cave protection among the speleological community by awarding them the EuroSpeleo Protection Label. This award should also involve financial support to allow continuation of the important work that has been carried out by the awarded clubs, committees and commissions, because we all need to preserve the speleological heritage for the next generations.

Please consult the annexed document for all further information and technical rules.

The aim of the EuroSpeleo Protection Label (ESPL) is to support active cave protection in the speleo clubs, committees, national commissions, etc, all over Europe and to share this knowledge throughout Europe.

We, as cavers having the underground world as a common passion, should be those that are concerned to preserve and protect the caves and karst discovered during explorations.
For this reason many cavers and speleological structures are identifying specific solutions which can then be shared with the whole European speleological community, in order to adapt these cave protection solutions for application in other European countries.

The FSE / ECPC would like to recognize quality projects which can help to find better solutions for cave protection among the speleological community by awarding them the EuroSpeleo Protection Label. This award should also involve financial support to allow continuation of the important work that has been carried out by the awarded clubs, committees and commissions, because we all need to preserve the speleological heritage for the next generations.

best regards,

Jean-Claude Thies

ECPC President
European Cave Protection Commission
Fédération Spéléologique Européenne asbl.
B.P. 3067
L-1030 Luxembourg


Chers Amis Spéléo,

Ceci est un rappel ainsi qu’une réedition de l’annonce pour la marque EuroSpeleo Protection 2018. Ceci car on a maintenant de nouveau un sponsor de cordes avec Korda’s de l’Espagne.
Aussi le montant de AV matériel et la façon dont un événement sera sponsorisé a changé. Veuillez consulter le document en annexe.

La Fédération Spéléologique Européenne (FSE) et sa Commission Européenne de Protection des Cavités (ECPC) a le plaisir de vous annoncer le lancement de l’Appel pour la Marque EuroSpeleo Protection 2018. Merci de trouver ci-joint le formulaire d’application (date limite pour les candidatures le 30 juin 2018). Vous pouvez aussi trouver le formulaire d’application sur le site web de FSE:

Nous les spéléos, ayant une passion commune pour le monde souterrain, on doit être ceux intéresses à la préservation et à la protection des grottes et du karst que nous découvrons pendant les explorations. Pour cette raison, beaucoup de spéléologues et de structures spéléos inventent des solutions spécifiques, qui peuvent être partagées avec l’ensemble de la communauté spéléologique européenne afin d’adapter ces solutions de protection des cavités dans d’autres pays européens.

La FSE / ECPC souhaite récompenser des projets qualitatifs qui peuvent aider à trouver de meilleures solutions pour la protection des cavités au sein de la communauté spéléologique. Ce prix, constitue également un soutien financier pour continuer cet important travail que vous menez dans votre région, car nous avons tous besoin de préserver et protéger le patrimoine spéléologique pour les prochaines générations.

Veuillez consulter le document annexé pour toute autre information et pour le règlement technique.

Jean-Claude Thies

ECPC President
European Cave Protection Commission
Fédération Spéléologique Européenne asbl.
B.P. 3067
L-1030 Luxembourg

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