Acoustic identification of bats
Description of project:
Bats are the second most diverse order of mammals worldwide. Besides, many bat species are threatened by human-driven habitat loss or alteration, as well as by the development of infrastructures or wind farms. In biodiversity surveys and environmental impact assessments, identifying bats in the field has thus become a central issue. Bats are nocturnal, elusive and hard to catch, so non-invasive methods such as acoustic identification of bat calls represent a powerful means of surveying bats in the field. Appropriate acoustic identification, however, requires a solid knowledge of theoretical aspects and practical skills. This short, intensive course covers the theoretical background and offers hands-on experience so that the trainees will learn rapidly and effectively the main techniques needed to survey bats acoustically. This course may be especially useful to those who are interested in bat biology and ecology including field researchers, students as well as consultancy staff working on environmental impact assessment and windfarm preconstruction surveys or monitoring of existing turbines.

The course will last three days and consists of lectures, indoor and field practical activities. Lectures and indoor practicals will take place at the park headquarters premises in Pescasseroli (L’Aquila, Abruzzo region). Pescasseroli – the “park capital” – is a charming small town with a lovely historical centre. Field work will mainly take place in the ancient forest located at the immediate surroundings of the village within walking distance from the hotel.

All activities will be carried out in the Abruzzo Lazio and Molise National Park, central Italy. This is one of the most important European parks and is home to many exciting animal species, from brown bears to wolves and Apennine chamois. The area also hosts 24 bat species and is the ideal location to acquire hands-on experience in acoustic identification.

Training period:
16 – 19 June 2014.
Participants should reach Pescasseroli on the 16th so that they will be able to join the morning lectures on the 17th. Participant departure is planned on the 19th at 12:00.
On the 16th, participants will be welcomed by the course staff in Pescasseroli.

Course description:

Practical experiences
Field recording of echolocation and social calls broadcast by bats; laboratory (PC-assisted sound analysis).

Basics of bat biology; echolocation; acoustic identification of bats; sound analysis.

Course schedule
Day 1 (17 June 2014)
08:30-12:30 Lectures. An overview of bat natural history, Basics of sound analysis, Bat echolocation, Echolocation call structure.
13:00-15:00 Lunch at the hotel.
15:10-18:00 Indoor practicals. Use of sound analysis software. Analysis of selected bat calls from different species.
20:00-23:00 Field work. Field recording of bat calls in forest. Demonstration of usage of manual and automatic bat recorders.

Day 2 (18 June 2014)
09:00-11:00 Lecture. Qualitative vs. quantitative identification of bat calls.
11:30-12:30 Indoor practicals. Analysis of bat calls recorded on previous evening.
13:00-15:00 Lunch.
15:00-18:00 Analysis of bat calls recorded on previous evening
20:00-23:00 Field work. Field recording of bat calls in different habitats (river / urban areas).

Day 3 (19 June 2014)
09:00-11:00 Indoor practicals. Analysis of calls recorded on previous night.
11:00-12:00 Closing remarks.

Important note:
Participants should bring their own laptop computer. In case they own a bat detector, they are also warmly invited to bring it with them.

Target Audience:
Undergraduates, postgraduates with an interest in mammal biology / ecology / behaviour, free-lance zoologists working in environmental impact assessment.

The course will only take place if a minimum of 10 participants is reached. No more than 30 trainees will be accepted. If more than 30 applications are submitted, acceptance will be based on the trainee’s CV and the application’s date of submission.

Course language:

Training provider:
Dr Danilo Russo
Wildlife Research Unit
Laboratorio di Ecologia Applicata, Dipartimento di Agraria
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Via Università 100, 80055 Portici (Napoli), Italy

Dr Russo is one of the most experienced European bat researchers in the field of acoustic identification of bats. At least three experienced bat detector users besides Dr Russo will assist the trainees during the course.

Registration fee:
The registration fee amounts 370 euros. It includes 3 nights (in shared rooms) at the hotel (16th-18th June) and two lunches (17th-18th June) plus all organization costs. It does not cover your own travel costs.

Participants are responsible for organizing their own travel to the course location. Participants flying or getting a train to Italy should ideally reach Naples or Rome. From there, Pescasseroli can be easily reached by public transportation in ca. 3 hrs. Bus tickets cost ca. 15 euros. It may also be easily reached by car (ca. 2.5 hrs drive from the above-mentioned cities). Details on how to reach Pescasseroli will be provided to all participants.

Participants will stay in Pescasseroli at Hotel Iris (Via Fontana della Difesa, 1 67032 PESCASSEROLI (AQ)). The hotel is located at walking distance from both the conference room and the field sites. Accommodation will be in shared rooms. Depending on availability, staying in a single room can be arranged and will cost 30 euro extra.

Deadline for registration: 31 January 2014
Click here for the registration form.

Payment details and deadline will be provided upon acceptance to the training.

Attenzione: Il corso, internazionale, si terrà in inglese, a meno che il 100% dei partecipanti siano italiani.
per chiarimenti, Danilo Russo: Sostituire AT con il simbolo @

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