
Un congresso internazionale di speleologia subacquea si svolgerá in Francia, a GRAMAT – LOT dal 25 al 28 Settembre 2015.

Il sito:


creare un luogo di incontro per speleosub con conoscenze diverse, provenienti da paesi diversi, con cultura e preparazione diversa che possano scambiare le proprie esperienze.

Coinvolgere insieme varie istituzioni francesi e internazionali


The municipality of Gramat has already allowed us access to a vast array of infrastructures

4 venues, amongst which a cinema and a conference hall (with a capacity of over 400 places).
1 large exhibition hall with a bar and accommodation to host numerous exhibitors, specialised in the field of (cave) diving
Large parking areas
Outside, various activities will take place, both for adults as well as for children
For your lodging, you can either choose your regular place of stay or you can use our website to find holiday homes and hotels that will offer you the best possible stay in the Lot
Bars and food stands will also be on site all day for your convenience
Events already planned:

We will propose various commercial suppliers that are specialised in the field of tech-diving, focussing on cave diving in particular. Several professionals have committed to letting you try rebreathers and scooters in Gramats’ swimming pool
You can acquire information by visiting stands on dive equipment, certifying agencies, dive schools and federations
Some of the famous cave divers will contribute to the congress by holding conferences and lectures in two languages (French and English)
Debating sessions will be organised where you can exchange thoughts on how the caves should be lined, how rescue operations should be structured, how divers of different backgrounds could better coexist and how divers can be made more conscious of the environment in and around the caves
Outside, we will host a caving track and a swimming pool for introductory dives
One single evening, a special session will be organised for local inhabitants only, to present to them our underground world
A bulletin board will be available where you can advertise and find second hand diving equipment or where you can find a dive partner to go for a dive independent of the congress
On Saturday night, a communal dinner is planned where we can eat and drink together, change the world of cave diving for the 1000th time, think about new exiting projects, meet a multitude of new people and go home with plenty of good memories, happy to have spent this great time together.
12 months ahead of this big event, we are not short of ideas and there is still time to offer you more exiting things, so we can present our sport in the best possible way.

Through the website of the organising committee, we will inform you about the progress made on this exiting event as we go along

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