Simulated Recovery Operation Tests CNSAS Technicians

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Gorga (RM) – This past weekend, a team of 20 technicians from the National Alpine and Speleological Rescue Corps (CNSAS) faced an unprecedented challenge deep within the “Quinto Elemento” cave in the Lepini Mountains.

Their mission? To simulate a complex recovery maneuver for an injured person, 150 meters below ground and 600 meters from the entrance, all the way to the surface.

A Collective Effort

The exercise required over 13 consecutive hours of work. The technicians, hailing from both the CNSAS Lazio and the Campania Alpine and Speleological Rescue, demonstrated their ability to handle extreme situations and operate under complex conditions.

The “Quinto Elemento” cave presented tight passages, vertical shafts, and complete darkness.

Striving for Excellence

The success of the operation relied on seamless teamwork.

Each technician played a crucial role: from stabilizing the injured person to managing communications with the external base camp.

A radio device was strategically placed to connect the cave operators with the coordination point outside.

The Significance of CNSAS Exercises

Exercises like this are vital for the CNSAS.

Through realistic simulations, technicians hone their skills, test new techniques, and reinforce collaboration among regional delegations.

These exercises serve as a crucial litmus test, ensuring that the CNSAS remains ever-ready to respond to emergencies in Italy’s mysterious underground world.

(1) Esercitazione di Soccorso Speleologico in Piemonte – CNSAS News.
(2) Gli speleo sub del soccorso alpino e speleologico piemontese si … – CNSAS.
(3) Soccorso Speleologico – CNSAS.
(4) Esercitazione di soccorso speleologico nella Riserva di Monte Conca ….
(5) Esercitazione di Soccorso Speleologico sui Monti Alburni.
(6) Esercitazione di soccorso in grotta del CNSAS: tecnologie … – Scintilena.
(7) Al Gorgazzo Esercitazione speleosub del CNSAS –