The Euro Forum Speleo “Marbella 2011”, organized by our federation, were very theoretical and very “sporting”.
Now we want to invite you to participate in a speleological exploration and surveying camp in the province of Almeria: “International Cave-Survey Camp Topo Sorbas 2012”
This is one of the most singular places of Andalusia with a unique caves and one of the world famous  gypsum karst by its singularity.
We want that everything works out the best and it is why we ask you to confirm us your intention to participate and, if possible, the number of people interested. At the moment is just an approximation to know what resources we have to mobilize. I remind you that this is an exploration and topography camp in gypsum caves.
Awaiting your news.
Best regards
José A. Berrocal Pérez
Federación Andaluza de Espeleología
PS: For more information, visit the website of the club which is organizing the Camp:


Federación Andaluza de Espeleología
Aristófanes, 4 – 1º – oficina 7
Teléfono 952 21 19 29 – 659 52 24 23

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