Call for Papers: Exploring Planetary Caves as Windows into Subsurface Geology, Habitability, and Astrobiology
Submission Deadline: November 30, 2021

Call for Papers: Exploring Planetary Caves as Windows into Subsurface Geology, Habitability, and Astrobiology
Submission Deadline: November 30, 2021
We invite you to submit your article to this special collection, which focuses on the current state of planetary cave science, including:

-how we identify and characterize planetary caves,
-which processes are behind their genesis and what we can learn from terrestrial analogs,
-the potential for planetary caves as habitats for life and
-how we may explore these windows into the subsurface.

This special collection welcomes recent advances in geology, geophysics, astrobiology, environmental science regarding planetary caves.
This knowledge will be the baseline for future space missions and will help the community to set scientific goals and technological solutions for the exploration of planetary caves.
Manuscripts should be submitted through the GEMS website for Earth and Space Science or JGR-Planets by selecting the collection title from the Special Section drop-down menu on the submission portal.

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us (addresses available through Internet search). Please feel free to share this information with anyone else who may be interested.
We look forward to highlighting your work.

Charity M. Phillips-Lander, Southwest Research Institute
Francesco Sauro, University of Bologna
Laura Kerber, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
J. Judson Wynne, Northern Arizona University
Timothy N. Titus, United States Geological Survey
Penelope J. Boston, NASA Astrobiology Institute, NASA AMES

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