An Evening to Discover Bats and Their Role in the Ecosystem

Attention text traslated in english with AI CHATGPT

On Saturday, July 20th at 9 PM, the Bosco di San Francesco in Assisi will host BAT NIGHT, an event dedicated to exploring the world of bats.

Organized in collaboration with experts from Hyla Group, the evening will offer participants the chance to learn more about these fascinating creatures through a series of informative and practical activities.

The event will begin with a brief presentation in the garden of Santa Croce, where experts will discuss the peculiarities, anecdotes, and curiosities about bats.

Following this, participants will be guided on a walk to the Terzo Paradiso di Pistoletto, equipped with bat detectors to listen to the sounds emitted by bats during their nocturnal flights.

The aim of the evening is to raise public awareness about the importance of bats in the ecosystem, promoting respect and conservation of these animals.

Participants are advised to wear comfortable shoes and bring a flashlight for the night walk.

For more information and reservations, visit or contact 075 813157. The event is open to everyone and provides an opportunity to connect with nature and discover the world of bats.

The Importance of Bats in the Environment

Bats play a crucial role in the ecosystem, contributing to the health and biodiversity of natural environments.

These flying mammals are known for their ability to control insect populations, many of which are harmful to agricultural crops and human health.

Through their insect-based diet, bats help maintain ecological balance, reducing the need for chemical pesticides and promoting more sustainable agriculture.

In addition to controlling insects, bats are important pollinators and seed dispersers for many plants. Some bat species feed on nectar and fruit, aiding in plant reproduction and forest regeneration.

This process is essential for the conservation of natural habitats and the survival of many other animal and plant species.

However, bats are often threatened by human activities such as habitat destruction, pesticide use, and climate change.

The conservation of bats is therefore fundamental to ensuring the health of ecosystems and biodiversity. Organizations like the Bat Conservation Trust and Tutela Pipistrelli promote policies and concrete actions to protect these animals, raising public and political awareness about the importance of their protection.

In summary, bats are essential for maintaining natural balances and the health of ecosystems.

Protecting these animals means ensuring a sustainable future for the environment and all the species that inhabit it.

: Scintilena
: Scintilena
: Scintilena
: Scintilena

(1) Manifesto per la Conservazione dei Pipistrelli: Cinque Azioni Chiave ….
(2) I Pipistrelli – Scintilena.
(3) Esplorando il mondo dei pipistrelli: dove osservarli in Italia.
(4) undefined.
(5) undefined.
(6) undefined.