Slovenia 2009 Expedition

When: Sat 25th July –> 23rd August (4 weeks)

Where: Tolminski Migovec, Tolmin, Slovenia
Google map:

What makes this expedition special?: Close cooperation, joint trips and future friendships with the local JSPDT club… Camping in the national park with special permission at 1860m… Fertile caving in the incredibly rich cubic kilometre of limestone that makes up Migovec… the very real possibility of a major connection… stunning Mediterranean weather down in the valleys with the beautiful Soca river to cool off in…

Expedition Aims: Connection of Sysmig (11520m/970m 2008) to Vrtnarija (5681m/802m 2008) to yield the 2nd longest cave in Slovenia (17.2km+). Separation now 25m horizontal with corrected 2008 data (mix of BCRA 4/5).

This will require underground camping in Captain Kangaroo (~-295m), a relatively shallow place for an underground camp, but necessary in view of the time and effort it takes to get to.

Il sito della spedizione (relazioni scritte negli anni precedenti, fotografie, contatti, dettagli ecc.)

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