Le linee guida dell’Unione Internazionale di Speleologia UIS per la protezione del carso sono ora disponibili
Nel 1997 l’International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) emise la prima edizione delle linee guida per la protezione delle grotte e del carso.
In occasione dell’anno internazionale delle grotte e delle aree carsiche, la UIS insieme alla IUCN ha reso attuali quelle linee guida, con 16 esperti che hanno elaborato e ampliato il quadro di riferimento e le azioni da mettere in atto.

The UIS Guidelines for Cave and Karst Protection are now available!
In 1997, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) released the first edition of the Guidelines for Cave and Karst Protection to support the growing international need for guidance in cave and karst management.
In recognition of the International Year of Caves and Karst, the UIS released the second edition, in cooperation with the IUCN, where 16 leading experts updated and expanded the guidelines to include new knowledge gained over the past 25 years.

You can find the Guidelines on following links:
Guidelines for Cave and Karst Protection – second edition
Complete Listing of Guidelines for Cave and Karst Protection

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