Venture in the World - Francesco Sauro
Rolex - Venture in the World - Francesco Sauro

Francesco Sauro è uno speleologo e ricercatore italiano. Ha effettuato numerose spedizioni in giro per il mondo, dalle grotte dietro casa in Lessinia, ai Tepuy in Sud America, alle grotte subglaciali dell’Antartide, contribuendo al progresso delle scoperte scientifiche. Nel 2014 ha ricevuto il Rolex Award for Enterprise.
Oggi Rolex gli dedica una pagina in cui racconta degli archivi del tempo, le grotte, e degli studi che porta avanti al loro interno.
Maggiori info su:

Italian speleologist and scientist Francesco Sauro has pursued a lifelong mission of discovery in the Earth’s mysterious underworld.
From uncovering the hidden realm of the isolated tepuis table-top mountains in South America and advancing the scientific findings, for which he received a 2014 Rolex Award for Enterprise, to, most recently, exploring the caves of the Atlantic’s Selvagens archipelago, he is providing an archive of time for future generations that shows how life evolved, minerals formed and climate has changed. Determined to reveal the wonders of Earth’s inner space through his many expeditions, Sauro is helping to ensure a Perpetual Planet. Discover more

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