Cave Bear Conference: Limited Free Registration for Young Researchers Dear Friends of Cave Bears, we will meet in September in Mannheim.

We have the opportunity through a sponsor who wants to remain unknown to support young researchers.
In order to support young researchers, the conference is free of charge for 10 students.
Please inform interested students. If you want to benefit from this sponsoring, send us an e-mail.

Post conference on Sun, 3.10.2021:8 am: departure 11:30 am: Visit the Geisloch at Oberfellendorf (Northern Frankenalb, Bavaria).
A maximum of 16 persons are possible. OR Autumn festival at the “MEisZeit maze”, a corn maze at the Hegehof in 68526 Ladenburg-Neuzeilsheim, with experimental archaeologist Rudolf Walter and special “Stone age/Ice age” events from 12 to 17 pm.

You will find updates about the symposium at the link below.
In a separate document there is still a booking form with which you can register for the symposium and find information for the abstract: Registration ends finally end on July 2021.
We look forward to the presentations of the registered talks and posters.

News from:
Doris Döppes / Sarah-Nelly Friedland / Wilfried Rosendahl / /

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