
7-9. May 2010

Magyar Karszt- és Barlangkutató Társulat
Hungarian Speleological Society
Ungarische Gesellschaft für Karst- und Höhlenforschung

Pusztaszeri út 35.
H-1025 Budapest

Tel.: 36-1-346 0494; tel./fax: 36-1-346 0495
E-mail: mkbt@t-online.hu

On the basis of the success of the archaeological exploration in the Bükk Mountains in 1906 the Speleological Committee was set up by the Hungarian Geological Society on the 28th of January 1910. The Hungarian Speleological Society as the successor of the Speleological Committee wishes to commemorate the occasion and also the important persons and exploration successes of the last 100 years by organising an international conference.

Date has been changed!

On the request of the Fédération Spéléologique Européenne and the similar date of the Pseudokarst Symposium in Germany we have changed the date of the conference!
The new date is: 7-9. May 2010.

The site of the conference:
1143 Budapest
Stefánia út 14.

The sites and dates of the pre- and post-excursion have been also changed!


Conference: 7–9 May (Friday–Sunday)

7th May (Friday)
Opening ceremony
Papers on the 100 years of Hungarian Cave Explorations
Welcome party and Speleo Movies

8–9th May (Saturday–Sunday)
Previously announced presentations with free chosen subjects
Afternoon-Evening – Visiting Szemlő-hegyi and Pál-völgyi show caves
Evening: Closing party at the Pál-völgyi Cave

During the conference trips into non-show caves of the Buda thermal karst ((Pál-völgyi Cave, Mátyás-hegyi Cave, Ferenc-hegyi Cave)will be possible.

The detailed program depends on the announced papers.


Northern Hungary
A/1) 10–15th May (Monday–Saturday)
Visits to show and non-show caves and excursions on the surface on the territory of the Bükk Mountain and Aggtelek National Park :

Show caves: Szent István Cave, Anna Cave
Caving trips: István-lápa Cave, Szepesi-Láner Cave-system, Kiskőháti Shaft, Fekete Cave
Trips on the surface: The most important prehistoric caves in the Bükk Mountain
Cave Bath: Cave Lake of Miskolctapolca

Show caves: Baradla Cave, Vass Imre Cave, Rákóczi Cave, Földvári Aladár Cave
Caving trips: Béke Cave, Kossuth Cave, Meteor Cave, Vecsembükki Pot Hole, Almási Shaft, Szabó-pallagi Shaft
Trips on the surface: The most beautiful sites of the Aggteleki Karst

A/2) 10–15th May (Monday–Saturday)
Visits to show and non-show caves and excursions on the surface on the territory of the Balaton Upland National Park and the Duna-Drava National Park.

Balaton Upland National Park:
Show caves: Lake Cave of Tapolca, Lóczy Cave
Caving trips: Csodabogyós Cave, Cserszegtomaj Cave, Szentgáli-Stonehole
Trips on the surface: On the most beautiful site of the Balaton Highlands and the Bakony Mountain
Bath: Hévíz

Show cave: Abaliget Cave, Nagyharsány Cristal Cave
Caving trips: Cave of the Mészégető Dwell, Trió Cave, Szuadó Cave,
Spirál Cave
Trips on the surface: On the karst surface of the Mecsek and Villány Mountain

For the conference any subjects on cave exploration and research are welcomed, but the organisers hold responsibility for accepting or rejecting any papers. Time duration of one paper is 15 min. The abstracts of the papers will be presented before the conference, the proceedings with the complete papers will be published after it.. The language of the papers: English, Hungarian .
Exhibition during the conference:
– Posters on the Great Persons of the Hungarian Speleology
– The archaeological results and caves that started the Hungarian Cave Explorations
– The most significant cave explorations of the last 100 years.

On request there will be stands to sell caving equipments, books etc. during the conference.

The participation fee may change according to the Forint/Euro currency rate.

Till 31. Dec. 2009.
On the site
Forint Euro Forint Euro

Full participants 18 000 65 24 000 90

Accompanying person 9 000 35 12 000 45
Stand 15 000 55 20 000 75
A1 Registration fee 15 000 55 20 000 75
A2 Registration fee 15 000 55 20 000 75

The fee of the full participants includes the followings:
• Taking part in the conference
• Receiving the proceedings of the papers
• Participating in the welcome party on Friday and Closing party on Saturday
• Refreshments in the breaks of the sessions
• Entry fees of the show caves
• Fees of the caving trips

The fee of the accompanying person includes the followings:
• Participating in the welcome party on Friday and Closing party on Saturday
• Entry fees of the caving trips


Final registration of papers 31. 12. 2009.
Sending of summaries 15. 02. 2010.
Sending of final program

31. 03. 2010.

Please transfer the registration fee to the following account:
K&H Bank
Account holder: Magyar Karszt- és Barlangkutató Társulat
Account Number: : 10200830-32310384-00000000
IBAN Number: HU26 1020 0830 3231 0384 0000 0000
Bank reference number: 0500-140518-100

There are a lot of accommodations with different categories at Budapest, but we suggest the followings close to the site of the conference:
Danubius Hotel Arena
Ifjúság útja 3.
XIV. kerület, Budapest, Hungary

Híd Hotel
Szobránc u. 10-12, 14. Zugló, 1143 Budapest

Pension Dominik Hostel
Cházár András u. 3.
1146 Budapest

Registration fees of the post-excursions:
15 000 Ft, that is includes the costs of the guide during the caving trips and the entry fees of the show caves.
Participants without any vehicle the transport costs 20 000 Ft, it can be reduced depending on the number of the participants.
Meals have to be organised individually.
at camp-site: cca. 2000 Ft/person/night
at tourist hostel: cca. 3-5000 Ft/person/night

Detailed information about the trips and caves will be found soon on the conference website!

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