Si è tenuto lo scorso fine settimana del 23.24 settembre 2017 la settima edizione del “Speleo Film Festival “ a Karlovac, organizzato dal gruppo NGO Osmica. Quindici i titoli in corsa, con altri quattro titoli fuori concorso, con produzioni provenienti da Russia, Finlandia, Svezia, Italia, Germania, Brasile, UK, USA, Polonia, Slovenia, Croazia, Francia e Malesia.

La giuria ha assegnato il primo premio al filmato italiano “Nell’inferno del monte Kronio – Into the hell of mount Kronio” per la regia di Tullio Bernabei: un corto di 9 minuti in cui sono riproposte, con immagini aggiornate, le esplorazioni del sistema termale del Kronio presso Sciacca, Sicilia, svolte dalla Commissione Grotte E.Boegan di Trieste assieme all’Associazione Geografica LaVenta.
Qui di seguito il comunicato stampa in lingua inglese.

Paolo de Curtis (CGEB) ritira il premio dalla giuria

The seventh Speleo Film Festival, organised by the NGO Osmica from Karlovac took place at the Aquatika, Karlovac on Saturday, September 23rd, 2017. This year’s edition gathered together around 150 hikers and cavers from all around Croatia, Slovenia, Italy and Germany as well as other nature lovers from Karlovac and its surroundings. Patrons of the Festival were the City of Karlovac, Speleological Committee of the Croatian Mountaineering Association and Aquatika Karlovac.

In the name of the Organising Committee I would like to thank you for participation in the SpeleoFilmFestival 2017. 20 films from 13 countries competed for prizes this year, giving the festival national and international recognition, as one of the very few festivals with similar topics in the world. The jury of 5 members awarded the following 3 films:
• 1st prize for: „NELL’INFERNO DEL MONTE KRONIO“ by Tullio Bernabei from Italy
• 2nd prize for „OUR CAVE (VEREVKINA CAVE)“ by Petr Lyubimov from Russia
• 3rd prize for „SIGNAL SEEKER – A SHORT STORY ABOUT BO LENANDER’S LIFELONG JOURNEY“ by Janne Suhonen from Finland and Antti Apunen from Sweden.
Prizes for best films were provided by the festival sponsors: Northland Professional, BiM sport and Elwork Speleo.

In the name of the Organising Committee
Damir Basara
P.S. Looking forward to your participation in the SpeleoFilmFestival 2018


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