Quiz of Speleology and Canyons pictures

XVI International Quiz of Speleology and Canyons pictures Ciutat de Sant Feliu, from 21th to 29th of october 2006. 
We are sending this e-mail for if you want to collaborate with us with your participation and  so you can help us to spread this information. 
If you want to receive more information about de quiz or receive the poster and the leaflet by e-mail or by post, contact with us.
First prize:    
500 Euro  and trophy
second prize:
300 Euro   and trophy
third prize: 150 Euro   and trophy
canyons 200 Euro  and trophy      
Aecond prize canyons 
100 Euro   
more info at www.run.to/egs
Please, send this email to anyone who can be interested in.
Espeleo Grup Santfeliuenc

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