Alpine Speleology and Karst Science
Hintersee – Ramsau (Germany), 9-11 November 2007

for November 2007 we are planning an International Symposium in Southern Germany on Alpine Speleology and Karst Science. This congress aims to bring together karst researchers from all alpine states and to present the variety of ongoing key-research fields.
We are looking for support from the Italian Speleological Society and its Alpine Cavers. The congress will offer a number of workshops dealing with diverse fields, like karst hydrology, cave climatology, surveying, paleoenvironmental speleothem archives,… just to name a few.
The focus of the congress is to foster the communication of Karst and Cave Scientist doing high-level research and the National Parks, NGOs and governmental entities responsible for the Karst areas in the respective countries. We aim to increase the visibility of our research and to exchange knowledge and experience of research in protected areas.
If you are interested please contact Bärbel Vogel, president of the German Speleological Society and congress convener, for further details.
Scheduled workshops so far:
Environmental Issues in vulnerable Alpine Karst areas National parks ?
Caving and Karst Research in protected areas, like National Parks.
Biology workshop ? Bat populations, Karst-Microbiology
Caves as Paleoenvironmental archives ? Quaternary Climate Research
Environmental education ? Public outreach and seminars
Cave climatology ? Presentation of ongoing research projects
Karst Hydrology and Geology
Cave-rescue Workshop

Congress organization:
Bärbel Vogel
President of the German Speleological Society
Grasslergasse 24
D-83486 Ramsau
The venue of the congress will be the CVJM-House (Hintersee, D-83468 Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden), just next to a beautiful lake below some of Germany?s most impressive karstic plateaus. Lodging can be self-organized, but accommodation is also offered by the CVJM-House, within 4-bed rooms at 26 EUR per day, including 3 meals.

The congress language will be English.

Friday and Saturday are reserved for the workshops, while excursions will be offered on Sunday. On Saturday evening there will be a public lecture, organized as a movie night between 8 pm and 2 am, with international presentations and featuring the best cave & karst films. Contributions are welcome of course.

The National Speleological Societies off Austria (VÖH), France (FSUE) and Switzerland (SISKA), etc. have already announced their contribution and participation. Several NGOs, like CIPRA and Alpine Network, as well as the delegates from various national parks and protected areas have announced their presence.

Prof. Jo De Waele
Istituto Italiano di Speleologia
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e Geologico-Ambientali
Università di Bologna Alma Mater Studiorum
Via Zamboni 67 – 40126 Bologna
Tel.: 00 39 051 2094543 – Fax. +39 051 2094522 – Cell: 329 2723956

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