Il CIRS celebra il suo cinquantennale con un evento scientifico di rilievo sulle tematiche del carsismo e delle grotte

La Conferenza Internazionale “Man and Karst 2024” si svolgerà a Ragusa dal 24 al 29 giugno 2024, organizzata dal CIRS (Centro Ibleo di Ricerche Speleo-Idrogeologiche), associazione a carattere scientifico e culturale fondata a Ragusa nel 1974.

L’evento ha lo scopo di approfondire le conoscenze sulle diverse manifestazioni del fenomeno carsico, sia a livello superficiale che sotterraneo, e sulle sue implicazioni ambientali, idrogeologiche, biologiche, archeologiche e culturali.

La conferenza vedrà la partecipazione di numerosi esperti provenienti da diversi Paesi, che presenteranno le loro ricerche e le loro esperienze sulle tematiche del carsismo e delle grotte.

Tra i temi trattati ci saranno: la geomorfologia carsica, l’idrogeologia e la protezione delle acque carsiche, le grotte e la speleogenesi, la biospeleologia e la paleontologia, le grotte e l’archeologia, le miniere in aree carsiche, le grotte vulcaniche, la protezione delle aree carsiche, le grotte marine e le aree carsiche costiere protette.

La conferenza sarà anche l’occasione per celebrare il cinquantennale del CIRS, che dal 1974 svolge attività di ricerca, divulgazione e tutela del patrimonio speleo-idrogeologico della Sicilia, in particolare della zona iblea.

Il CIRS ha contribuito in modo significativo alla conoscenza e alla valorizzazione delle grotte e dei fenomeni carsici presenti nel territorio, sia dal punto di vista scientifico che turistico.

Il CIRS ha inoltre promosso numerose iniziative di formazione, sensibilizzazione e cooperazione, sia a livello nazionale che internazionale, sulle tematiche del carsismo e delle grotte.

Gli interessati a partecipare alla conferenza possono scaricare la prima circolare e il modulo di registrazione sul sito del CIRS RAGUSA. Per ulteriori informazioni, è possibile contattare il CIRS all’indirizzo email


Encouraged by the appreciated events, organized in 2019 in Ragusa and in Custonaci in 2022, which saw the presence of numerous participants, such as university professors and researches from prestigious universities, speleologists, hikers and nature enthusiasts, in the context of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the CIRS – Hyblean Center of Speleo-Hydrogeological
Research, the third edition of Man and Karst in Sicily is organized and will take place in Ragusa (Sicily) from 24 to 29 June 2024.

In the magical historical location of Ragusa, chief town of the southernmost province of Italy, as well as Tunis, the Hyblean foreland in the center of the Mediterranean, as if to underline its geological belonging to the northernmost sector of the African platform; UNESCO world heritage site for its
splendid baroque, enclosed between two fluviokarst valleys, in this fascinating historical-geographical context we will return to discuss of Man and his relationship with the Karst, to share and enrich ourselves with new research experiences, to review old friends and making new ones.

And taking advantage of this geographical centrality, how could we not explore, from 24 to 29 June, some of the most interesting karst contexts of this extreme south-eastern sector of Sicily, and not only by looking, with the excursions proposed by us, in the hyblean fluviokarst canyons, then to the west
fascinating landscape scenery of the evaporite basin of central-southern Sicily with its gypsum caves, and northwards on the slopes of the highest active volcano in Europe with its lava tubes.

Man and Karst 2024 in Sicily, in the same way as the previous past editions, wants to give a
contribution to the knowledge, enhancement and safeguard of the karst landscape and caves with their ecosystems and historical-anthropological resources as a whole, as an instrument and optimal function of scientific research, not as often for its own sake or for the sake of a few users, but rather, at the service and for the benefit of the whole community.

The event will be held in Ragusa Ibla (Sicily), from 24 to 29 June, a magical and fascinating baroque historic town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


  • Municipality of Ragusa
  • C.I.R.S. – Hyblean Center of Speleo-Hydrogeological Research, Ragusa, Italy
  • Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania
  • Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e Geoambientali, Università di Bari Aldo Moro
  • Dipartimento MIFT, University of Messina,
  • DMG di Matematica e Geoscienze, Università di Trieste,
  • Department of Earth Science, University of Benghazi
  • Ordine Regionale Geologi di Sicilia
  • UNESCO Chair on Karst Education, Vipava, Slovenia
  • ZRC SAZU Karst Research Institute, Postojna, Slovenia
  • TETIDE APS, Italy

  • Karst geomorphology
  • Karst hydrogeology and water protection
  • Speleology and Cave conservation
  • Archeology and paleontology in karst caves
  • Biospeleology and ecology
  • Vulnerability, protection and fruition of karst landscapes and caves
  • Mines in karst areas
  • Karst geohazards
  • Caves in volcanic areas

    Date Programme
  • Monday, June 24th
    Welcome party
  • Tuesday, June 25th
    Poster session
    Field trip to the Asphalt mine of Tabuna and/or Streppenosa
  • Wednesday, June 26th
    Full day excursion
    Field trip to the Pantalica fluviokatst valley (Natural Reserve)
    Visit to Monello cave (Natural Reserve)
    Gala party for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the foundation of
    CIRS Ragusa, Hyblean Center of Speleo-Hydrogeological Research
    Post conference excursions*
  • Thursday, June 27th
    Visit of Realmonte/Ravanusa Salt Mine, Scala dei Turchi
    Trekking between gorges and caves in the Vallone del Ponte (Sant’Angelo Muxaro)
  • Friday, June 28th
    Trekking to the fluviokarst Cava Grande del Cassibile (Natural Reserve)
  • Saturday, June 29th
    Trekking to Mt. Etna*, lava tube caves, Valle del Bove
  • The aforementioned program and post-conference excursions will be confirmed with possible variations and/or additions with the second circular.

    Deadline Student Non Student
    Early Bird April 30th 70 € 120 €
    Late No Deadline 100 € 150 €
    Accompany person No Deadline 90 €
  • The fee includes conference materials, coffee breaks, participation at Gala party, visits and excursions of the days 25th and 26th of June.
    Partecipants are invited to present their contributions in oral or poster form.
  • Abstract / extended
    abstract and poster must be communicate with the pre-registration and submitted in English to by April 30th 2024.
    The official languages of the event are English and Italian.

    More detailed information will be provided with the second circular available in late May 2024.
    Dr. Rosario Ruggieri PhD
    Tel: +39 3519863290

Origine: conversazione con Bing, 6/12/2023
(1) Man and Karst 2022 – C I R S Ragusa.
(2) C I R S Ragusa | Centro Ibleo di Ricerche Speleo-idrogeologiche.
(3) Openspeleo – CIRS Ragusa.
(5) Events from September 19, 2024 – October 12 – European Speleological ….
(6) Eurokarst – The european Karst conference.
(7) International Scientific Conference “Man and Karst” in Sicily in ….
(8) Man and Karst 2022 – Speleo.
(9) Karst – Wikipedia.
(10) Karst – National Geographic Society.
(11) Karst | Limestone, Sinkholes & Caves | Britannica.
(12) undefined.

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