Organized by Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico on a behalf of European Cave Rescue Association:
8th European Cave Rescue Meeting 2014
Trieste, Italy
24th – 26th October 2014

Organizing committee:
Roberto Corti, Responsabile Nazionale Soccorso Speleologico
Alberto Ubertino, vice president of ECRA
Dinko Novosel, Croatian Mountain Rescue Service, Cave rescue commission
Roberto Antonini, Delegato II Zona Soccorso Speleologico

Technical group:
Cristiano Zoppello, Vice Direttore Scuola Nazionale soccorso
Darko Bakši?, President of ECRA
Uroš Ili?, Jamarska reševalna služba JRS

Medical group:
Dr.Corrado Camerini, Corpo nazionale socorsso alpino e speleologico
Dr.Lana Djonlagic, Croatian Mountain Rescue Service, Cave rescue commission
Dr. Ueli Neageli, Speleosecours Suisse

Alberto Ubertino: Email: Phone: +39 33
Dinko Novosel: Email:, Phone:+385 91 5179431


The aim of this year European Cave Rescue Meeting is to improve existing collaboration in operation level. To achieve this goal, two specific workshops will be organized. The first medical workshop will be just continuations of a several years fruitful work of medical group. This year technical workshop will be focused in comparison of specific cave rescue maneuvers according standard operating procedure from different national cave rescue services. The third part of this year meeting will be dedicated to analysis of cave rescue operation in Riesending schachthohle, Unterberg, Berchtesgaden.
Carefully will be analyzed procedures in making decision, invitation of international support, and compatibility of different national cave rescue services.
Since the 1st Conference, especially after the 3rd held in Italy, serious talks were held with basic idea to establish European Cave Rescue Association. This Idea was further explored during last year’s Conference in Austria.
During the 5th meeting in Croatia was made decision that European cave rescue association must be founded. In Castelnouvo Garfagnana in Italy, 12th of May, 2012, ECRA was successfully proclaimed; the first assembly was during meeting in Jura, France while in 2013. ECRA was registered according EU legislation.
We would like to invite you all to further collaboration, contribution, discuss, bringing new ideas during this ECRA annual meeting to improve safety caving at all.
We are looking forward to meet you in Trieste, Organizing Committee

Thank you for having expressed such great interest to participate 8th European Cave Rescue Meeting in Trieste!

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