Il prossimo anno l’UIS Union Internationale de Speleologie compirà 50 anni, i festeggiamenti si terranno durante il 23esimo International Karstological School in Slovenia presso le grotte di Postumia dal 15 al 19 giugno 2015.
Maggiori info per entrambi gli eventi a questa pagina:
Notizia di George Veni
Vice Presidente UIS

Next year the International Union of Speleology (UIS) celebrates its 50 th Anniversary and you are invited to the celebration! The celebration will held with the 23 rd International Karstological School, a series of state-of-the-art lectures and field trips conducted annually by the Karst Research Institute in Postojna, Slovenia. Next year’s school will focus on the importance of exploration on cave and karst research. To register for the celebration and/or the school, and for more information, see here:
George Veni
Vice President of Administration
International Union of Speleology

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