Royal Culture Center, Amman, Jordan
March 15-18, 2012

Caving field trips to the volcanic fields of Jordan & possibly Syria
March 19-22, 2012

Organizing committee:

* Hashemite University
* Jordanian Geologists Association
* Dr. Ahmad Al-Malabeh, presiding


* March 14, 2012: Arrival at Amman
* March 15, 2012: Opening and Presentations and Dinner
* March 16, 2012: Day excursions
* March 17, 2012: Presentations
* March 18, 2012: Presentations, Commission Session and Concluding Dinner
* March 19-22, 2012: Excursions to desert lava fields of Jordan and, if possible, Syria

Field Trips During the Symposium:

V1: Yarmouk-Decapolis Tunnel (March 16, 2012)
Topics: Aqueduct, Wears, Canals and Under ground tunnels
Route: Amman, Irbidi, Al-Tura, Wadi shallah, Hobras and Umm Quis.
Leaders: Prof. Dr. Ahmad Al-Malabeh & Geol. Akram Abu Shanab
Price: 100 Euro per person

V2: Geo-Eco Tourism (March 16, 2012)
Topics: Old Iron Mines (Saladin), Karst Cave (Bergish), Upper Cretaceous in north Jordan.
Route: Amman, Ajlun, Deer Abu Sa’ied
Leaders: Ahmad Al-Shriedeh.
Price: 75 Euro per person

V3: Dead Sea (March 16, 2012)
Topics: Jordan Graben, Dead Sea, Lisan, Saramuj Conglomerate.
Route: Amman, Dead Sea, Ghor Haditha, Ghor Safi.
Leaders: Prof. Dr. Eid Al-Tarazi
Price: 100 Euro per person

Field Trips After the Symposium:

Basaltic Harrat (March 19-22, 2012)
Topics: Lava Caves, Basalt Plateau, Pressure Ridges, Aritayn Scoria Cones, Sirhan Graben.
Route: Amman, Za’atari, Umm El Jimal, Al Hamiddyia, Al Bishriyya, Azraq.
Leaders: Prof. Dr. Ahmad Al-Malabeh
Price: 150 Euro per person

Other Possible Field Trips:

A1: Amman Through History
Topics: Palaeolithic, Roman, Byzantine, Islamic.
Leader: Travel Agency.
Price: 25 Euro per person

A2: Jadara
Topics: Old city of Umm Qais.
Leader: Travel Agency.
Price: 50 Euro per person.

A3: Jarasa
Topics: Roman city of Jarash
Leader: Travel Agency.
Price: 50 Euro per person

A4: Petra
Topics: Nabataean city of Petra.
Leader: Travel Agency.
Price: 100 Euro per person (including entrance fees)

Correspondence and Registration:

Prof. Dr. Ahmad Al-Malabeh
P.O. Box: 6440
Postal Code: 13115
ZARKA – Jordan
Tel: +962-5-3903333
Fax: +962-5-3823333

Home page: (Under construction)

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