“How old is pseudokarst: dating pseudokarst caves and forms”
11-14 September 2012 – Tui, Galicia, Spain

Symposium main themes:

What is pseudokarst? – new and old definitions, classifications.
Pseudokarst caves and their speleothems.
Genesis and development of pseudokarst forms and caves.
Dating pseudokarst caves and events.
Scientific values and heritage related to pseudokarst.
Pseudokarst: in magmatic rocks, in quartzitic sandstones and quartzites, in quartz.

Other topic in the field of pseudokarst may also be considered.


The Symposium will be held in the village of Tui located 35 km south of Vigo. The place of Symposium is situated in the Mi?o river valley, at the south part of the Gali?eiro Sierra, a granite and riebeckite-gneiss mountains.


UIS Pseudokarst Commission
Clube Espeleóxico Mauxo
Instituto Universitario de Xeoloxía “Isidro Parga Pondal”, University of A Coru?a

Organising Committee

Marcos Vaqueíro-Rodríguez – chairman on speleology
Juan Ramon Vídal-Romaní- chairman on geology

Data and contact

All data on Symposium are at this webpage.
First circular
Contact: mauxo@mauxo.com , juan.vidal.romani@udc.es
Fax: (0034) 981167172


September 10, 2012, pre-Symposium activity – field trip: sea caves and related paleolevels in the Sea-Land National Park of “Illas Atlánticas de Galicia”.
September 11, 2012, pre-Symposium activity – field trip: tafoni and archaeological granite caves located in the south side of the Vigo Ría.
September 12, 2012, morning – opening ceremony, oral presentations; afternoon – excursion
September 13, 2012, morning – oral presentations; afternoon – excursion; evening – assembly of the Pseudokarst Commission IUS
September 14, 2012, morning – oral presentations; afternoon- excursions (alternative activity: workshop on granite cave speleothemes); evening: conference closing dinner
September 15, 2012, post-Symposium activity – field trip: granite, caves and archaeological shelters in Castelo da Furna, Valença (Portugal).

Symposium field trips:

• The granite system cave of “O Folón”.
• Sightseeing Tui, Santa Tecla
• The granite system cave of “A Trapa”


• Preliminary registration: 31.01.2012
• Second Circular: 15.03.2012
• Final registration: 15.06.2012
• Abstracts submission: 30.06.2012

Estimated costs

Registration fee (including: symposium excursions, participation in sessions, abstracts and excursion guidebook): participants: ca. 65 EUR, others: 44 EUR
Pre-Symposium activity: 32 EUR/person
Accommodation and full-time food: 9-16 September – 120 EUR, 11-15 September – 75 EUR
Conference dinner: 20 EUR


The volume of abstracts will be published before the conference. Proceedings will be published in digital format and an edition in paper will be also made in the journal “Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe”.

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